The cool breeze in the mornings lets us know that autumn is around the corner. I have not always been ready for this newness because I love the summer months and do not want to say goodbye to the warmth of the sun, the flowers, butterflies, lightning bugs, BBQs, late...
Disconnected Connection
“It’s easier being in each other’s presence, or in each other’s absence, than in the constant presence of each other’s absence.”–Gianpiero Petriglieri Yes, Zoom Exhaustion is real. As we continue to work from home, visit family and friends on the screen, or go to...
Attitude Of Gratitude
One of my favorite meditations is a short guided one by Deepak Chopra. In the middle of this meditation he asks repeatedly in his soothing voice, “What am I grateful for?” I hear his hypnotic tone sometimes in my head when I need a good, positive reminder. We are...
Mentionable and Manageable
“I’m getting really tired of being alone,” a friend said, tears flowing down her face. “I’m angry I don’t get to have my graduation ceremony,” a high school student confided. “I’m disappointed we can’t go on the cruise we’ve looked forward to for a year,” someone...